Pediatric Glasses in West Fargo

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First-Class Is For The Whole Family

If your little ones are worried about getting glasses, they have nothing to fear. McCulley Optix Gallery has fashionable frames for all ages. They’ll be the coolest kid in class with stylish frames. Besides, what’s cooler than clear vision?

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Experienced Opticians

Our opticians are excellent. They’re experienced in providing eyewear recommendations for infants, toddlers, and teens. Let our friendly, experienced staff guide your family through the process.

Who would have thought purchasing kid’s glasses could be a first-class experience?

Visit McCulley Optix Gallery today and get your family’s littlest eyes some new frames to suit their ever-growing personality.

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The heritage of French lifestyle and the celebration of Parisian beauty, together with the use of only quality materials, is the essence of Lafont.

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Since 1978, Look has been a leading brand designing and crafting high-quality eyewear. Look frames are sophisticated, chic, and effortlessly wearable, showcasing unmistakable dynamic style and timeless elegance. Our eyewear is a true expression of Italian artistry—proudly made in Italia.

Where to Find Us in Fargo

You can find us just west of Veterans Boulevard on 32nd Ave E. Heading west, take the second left after Veteran’s Boulevard. We are on the south side of the street.

Our Address

567 32nd Ave E
Fargo, ND 58078, USA

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
10:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 01:00 PM

Our Services

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