Fabulous Eyewear
& Excellent Eye Care

Since 2006, Dr. Melissa McCulley and her team have been bringing Fargo a dash of fun with their eye care experience! Whether you or your child needs an eye exam, a contact lens fitting, or you have an eye emergency, we’re able to assist. Maybe you just need some fabulous frames. In that case, we’ll help you select great glasses that will help you put your best foot—and vision— forward!

McCulley Optix Gallery offers a first-class experience. Our staff hand-select frames to fit your personality and face, and we offer a one-of-a-kind, personal shopping experience.

Book an appointment today to experience our personalized service and exceptional products.

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Exceptional Service, Experienced Staff


Dr. Melissa McCulley

Owner, Optometrist


Jenna Gilbertson Steiner

Office Manager, ABO

Karsyn Wendt

Patient Concierge


Hallie Moncada

Patient Concierge & Content Creator


Erin Carico

Optical Patient Concierge


Kayla Noyes


Gabbie Richter



Abby Goree

Optometric Technician, CPO


Remi Johnson

Student Intern

Fargo’s Choice For
Eye Care


Let us provide you with first-class service and high-fashion frames. Start your personal shopping experience or book an eye care appointment today!

Book Appointment

Where to Find Us in Fargo

You can find us just west of Veterans Boulevard on 32nd Ave E. Heading west, take the second left after Veteran’s Boulevard. We are on the south side of the street.

Our Address

567 32nd Ave E
Fargo, ND 58078, USA

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
10:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 01:00 PM

Our Services

See Our Google Reviews

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