Caring For Your Eyes Is Our Primary Concern

If you are experiencing a medical emergency and require immediate help dial 9-1-1.

Rapid action may be necessary to preserve your sight. If you are experiencing vision loss or have experienced eye trauma or injury near Fargo, call our office immediately.

Phone: 701-373-2020

Eye pain, flashes of light, allergies, infection, or injury may be an emergency situation. Dr. McCulley is ready to assist you with urgent eye care. 



If you are experiencing an urgent eye care situation, keep calm and follow these tips:


  • Remove foreign objects on your own
  • Use any medications in your eyes
  • Put tweezers or other tools near the eye
  • Rub or apply pressure to your eyes


  • Wash your hands thoroughly if you must touch your eye
  • Blink to try and remove foreign objects
  • Flush the eyes with cool water in the case of a chemical splash
  • Remove contact lenses (unless you experience a chemical splash)

Keep Calm & Call Us

We are able to treat many eye emergencies. Call us in the event of an emergency situation.

If we are closed or unavailable, please call 911 or go directly to an emergency room.

Book Appointment

Where to Find Us in Fargo

You can find us just west of Veterans Boulevard on 32nd Ave E. Heading west, take the second left after Veteran’s Boulevard. We are on the south side of the street.

Our Address

567 32nd Ave E
Fargo, ND 58078, USA

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
10:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 05:30 PM
09:00 AM – 01:00 PM

Our Services

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