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How to Adjust to New Glasses

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A woman trying on new glasses at the optometrist office

Your glasses can make a statement and say a lot about your personality. Getting new glasses is an exciting experience, and it all starts with a visit to your optometrist to get a comprehensive eye exam for an updated prescription. 

Getting your new glasses is just the first step, but adjusting to them can take some time. Let’s explore how to adjust to your new glasses and how your optometrist can help!

The First Step Is an Eye Exam

Before getting your new glasses, the first step is scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with your optometrist. It’s recommended that adults have a comprehensive eye examination yearly to monitor any developing issues.

Eye exams are a powerful tool to check for refractive errors such as: 

Refractive errors occur when light entering the eye isn’t focusing correctly on the retina resulting in blurry or unclear vision at different distances.

However, eye exams are about more than just updating your prescription—they also allow your optometrist to assess your overall eye health and monitor the development of eye disease. Eye diseases can come in many forms, and early diagnosis and treatment are essential. 

Your optometrist will use diagnostic technology to get a detailed look at your eyes and check for any irregularities or causes for concern. These diagnostic methods include: 

These diagnostic methods allow for a high-definition look at your eyes and help your optometrist form a personalized treatment plan if needed. 

Now that you know what to expect during your eye exam, the fun part is picking out new glasses that match your unique personality. Let’s explore the process and how you can get used to new glasses!

A woman trying on glasses at the optometrist office

Adjusting to Your New Glasses

Following your eye exam, you’ll get the opportunity to browse a wide selection of unique frames. Whether you’re looking for high-end designer frames that will suit your style for work or leisure needs, your optometrist’s office has you covered

The staff at your optometrist’s office can help you find the frames that compliment your look and personality. If you need some extra help finding the right frames, you can opt to fill out a personalized glasses survey to help narrow down your search. 

The personalized glasses survey takes your preference into account and helps your optician find the right frames to match your personality. 

Getting Used to Your Frames

Getting used to your new frames is a matter of taking them for a spin. It can take some time to get used to new glasses, especially if you’ve received an updated prescription. The good news is that picking out your frames is a personalized experience with your preference in mind.

Your optician will provide maintenance services for your glasses, including adjustments and cleaning to help keep your glasses in top condition.

Proper care and repair are essential when you start wearing some new frames. If you feel some discomfort, it’s important to visit your optician to get the necessary adjustments. 

A New Outlook with New Glasses

Picking out glasses is an exciting experience. Your preference is the priority, and picking out new frames is all about your comfort and style. The first step is a comprehensive eye exam, and your optician can take it from there to help you find your new favorite frames.

Book an appointment with your optometrist to update your prescription and find your brand new glasses today. 

Written by Dr. Melissa McCulley

Dr. McCulley graduated with honor from Boston College in 1997 with a bachelor of science and a major in Spanish and pre-medical studies. She then went on to study optometry and graduated with honors from the Southern College of Optometry in 2001. She has past experience from the University of Minnesota Department of Ophthalmology fitting specialty contact lenses and working with low vision patients. Dr. McCulley is experienced in pediatrics and has a keen interest in treating dry eye.
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